Honored and glad to have hosted in our offices in Brussels today the E-GAP business model, a company at the forefront of the energy transition.
Thanks to all the special guests who have welcomed E-GAP and attended the event. Monica Frassoni, Chaiwoman of EUASE and Former Chairwoman of the European Greens in the European Parliament. Her commitment to a greener mobility is undisputable and remarkable.
We were proud to have been joined by MEP Carlo Fidanza, Ambassador Stefano Verrecchia and Kai Tullius from DG MOVE of the European Commission. Their contributions and words of commitment symbolize a strong push for E-GAP to keep moving forward.
As E-GAP CEO Luca Fontanelli said, “We are here today to mark the entering into force of the AFIR regulation that certifies that our off-grid model contributes in achieving Europe’s sustainable mobility goals. E-GAP is here for your national, regional and local administration to make sustainable mobility possible”.