
An effective public affairs activity in Brussels cannot do without the organisation of events, whether open to the public or behind closed doors, to bring the main institutional players around a table on a specific topic of interest to the client. Our experience in organising events in Brussels enables us to identify the best locations, the best catering services and to provide all the necessary infrastructure. Here below you can find the most recent events organized by MUST & Partners.

Bellissima serata ieri presso la residenza dell’Ambasciatore Stefano Verrecchia a Bruxelles per l’evento organizzato in collaborazione con A2A e dedicato alle sfide del

It was a pleasure working together with Meta and its partners at the event organized and hosted by the Italian Deputy Ambassador Stefano Verrecchia. The guests and participants had

Honored and glad to have hosted in our offices in Brussels today the E-GAP business model, a company at the forefront of the energy transition. Thanks to all the special guests who