MUST & Partners, the EU Public Affairs experts.
Our services are based on an in-depth knowledge of the institutional dynamics of the European Union.
Who we are
MUST & Partners is a Brussels-based public affairs firm operating in the field since 2014.
Our services are based on an in-depth knowledge of the institutional dynamics of the European Union, its decision-makers, its decision-making mechanisms and its formal and informal routines. Companies, business associations, national and local public authorities can no longer ignore making interlocuting with Brussels one of their priorities. . Our team has more than ten years’ experience in European policies ranging from transport to energy, from digital to communication, from finance to health policies.

The detailed overview of our services
We identify the political and institutional actors that play a key role in the legislative matter of interest. Mapping requires in-depth knowledge of the articulation of European institutions.
We take care of monitoring the broad legislative and media debate on the topic, informing the client daily about the most important developments. This is a careful selection in the magnum sea of European technical news.
We provide accurate and timely analyses of Brussels’ public debate throughout all institutions and relevant fora, in view of assessing the impact on markets and national lawmaking of existing and future EU legislation.
We offer clients the opportunity to participate effectively in the EU public debate by proposing a series of initiatives aimed at strengthening the lobbying strategy in place on the specific dossier.
We support the client in the drafting of useful texts to suggest technical solutions that fit effectively into the intense negotiations on dossiers of interest.
We help the client to organise a digital library of all relevant documentation for each dossier monitored.
Our events
Securing the Future of Water: Resilience strategies for Southern Europe
This morning, we had the privilege of organising a high-level policy discussion at the European Parliament, hosted by MEP Antonio Decaro, Chair of the ENVI Committee. The event bro
Giornata internazionale per i diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza
Siamo lieti di aver collaborato con la Fondazione Telefono Azzurro per l’organizzazione del ricevimento in occasione della Giornata internazionale per i diritti dell’infanzia e
Eurail – Launch event
Eurail, known for the iconic Interrail Pass, hosted an insightful event at MUST & Partners in Brussels, highlighting how its institutional programmes can empower cities and reg
A2A event
Bellissima serata ieri presso la residenza dell’Ambasciatore Stefano Verrecchia a Bruxelles per l’evento organizzato in collaborazione con A2A e dedicato alle sfide del
The EU’s tale by media players
In our workshop about the European election in collaboration with Comin&Partners we hosted some of the most prominent journalists in Brussels. Yesterday’s event sparked i
Il costo della non-Europa
Ieri si è tenuto il primo evento del nostro ciclo di workshop sulle elezioni europee, in collaborazione con Comin&Partners, dal titolo “Il costo della non Europa” con ospi
EU Talks con Paola Peduzzi e David Carretta
Il racconto dell’Europa passa dalle istituzioni e dai media. Il quotidiano “il Foglio” si avvale dell’esperienza ultra-decennale di David Carretta, corrispo
META-Luxottica event
It was a pleasure working together with Meta and its partners at the event organized and hosted by the Italian Deputy Ambassador Stefano Verrecchia. The guests and participants had
Fireside chat with Jaume Duch
Our last Fireside chat took place on Thursday7th of December with a special guest: European Parliament Spokesperson Jaume Duch Guillot. We’ve discussed at leng